Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Destination Imagination

Destination Imagination

Challenge A Unidentified moving object (Technical)

Your Team Will:

␣␣ Design and build Equipment to move various Materials to and from towering heights

␣␣ Start and end the Presentation with the Equipment contained in a Storage Box

␣␣ Create and present a Sales Promotion highlighting the features of the Equipment

␣␣ Complete all of the above with no AC electrical power

Complete one side trip

Challenge B Spinning a tale (Scientific)

Your Team Will:

␣␣ Research Energy Cycles in the Natural and/or Physical World

␣␣ Develop and present an original three- act Circular Story that demonstrates knowledge about one Energy Cycle of the team’s choice

␣␣ Create a DIcycler that changes as the Story progresses and the acts change

␣␣ Create a Finale that uses your DIcycler to signal the end of your Presentation

Challenge C Triple Take Road Show (Fine Arts)

Your Team Will:

␣␣ Use different Storytelling Methods to tell the same story to three team- chosen Pretend Audiences

␣␣ Portray the Travel Methods used to move your Traveling Road Show between different Pretend Audiences

␣␣ Integrate a team- created Technical Spectacle into one presentation to a Pretend Audience

Challenge D Mythology mission (Improvisational)

Your Team Will:

␣␣ Create a five minute improvisional skit about a mission involving a mythical creature. This must be done in the five minute preparation time prior to your presentation at the tournament.

␣␣ Incorporate a research about a Culture from a country.

␣␣ Incorporate three Souveneirs randomly selected from the list of items and combine them to create one Master Prop.

␣␣ Incorporate an unexpected problem that is discovered on stage.

Challenge E Verses! Foiled Again! (Structural)

Your Team Will:

␣␣ Design and build a Structure made only of Aluminum Foil, Wood and Glue.

␣␣ Test how much weight the Structure will hold.

␣␣ Present a Story about a character that is Foiled.

␣␣ Integrate team- written Verse and published Verse into your Story.

Challenge Project Outreach Dynamic Networks

This Challenge has two distinct portions:

␣␣ First, your team will design and carry out a Project to address a real community need and integrate a social network.

␣␣ Second, at the Tournament, your team will showcase your Project with an Album and a Presentation, as well as complete an Instant Challenge.

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